My notes..
My Notes: Digital Technology /How consumers use tech and how it impacts our lives…
- Greatly impacted our lives, allowing an improvement in communication
- From connecting with friends and families, to business improvements.
- Today having access to the internet is seen as a necessity as opposed to a convenience
- Taking it back to the 1950s, it all began in the US
- The only people with access to the internet included military scientists and university staff.
- This is a huge change compared to today, as the internet is used by pretty much everyone all over the world.
Devises used by audiences
- Today anyone can access the internet.
- Via desktops, smart phones, IPADs, laptops and event apple watches and fit bits having the ability to connect online
- Currently the most common type of access is via Smart Phone. Which has risen by 26% since 2013.
- An example of usage is IMessage, Facetime and also being able to access your online banking.
How customers search for information
- Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc are all ways consumers can search for information
- It is a robot that queries pages on the internet to create an index of web pages
- iPhone users have access to ‘SIRI’ which allows you to virtually ask a question into your phone.
What consumers buy online
- Pretty much anything and everything can be bought online, today.
- The most common online purchase is Fashion with a total of $759.5 billion being spent each year
- Customers have access to online fashion brands such as Boohoo, Misguided ASOS which all provide the luxury of NDD allowing customers to purchase online from the comfort of their own home
Online video consumption
- Online video is always available on demand, allowing people to access anywhere, anytime and on any screen
- One in three adults aged between 18-54 use their smartphones as their primary device for watching online videos
- With Netflix, Amazon Prime etc all easily accessed via smartphones and IPADs etc is makes it very convenient to watch online whilst travelling etc.
Consumer trends
- ‘turned our existence upside down’
- The internet has revolutionized and become a part of everyday lives.
- With the internet improving each era, you notice 4G becoming 5G and so on.
- I can’t imagine what the internet will look like 10 years from now. And what the growth will look like from now until then.
So, with all that being said…
It’s pretty obvious that the power of the internet is next to none.
- Explain the cons
- Explain the positives such as knowledges, course available online and improvement in people’s lives.
- The End.